# Configuration

There is not alot of configuration changes requires to deploy K8s Vault Webhook. But the configuration can be customized using Helm, in that case values.yaml (opens new window) can be updated.

# Helm Parameters

Parameter Description Default
affinity affinities to use {}
debug debug logs for webhook false
image.pullPolicy image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.repository image repo that contains the admission server quay.io/opstree/k8s-vault-webhook
image.tag image tag for admission server 2.0
image.imagePullSecrets image pull secrets for private repositories []
namespaceSelector namespace selector to use, will limit webhook scope {}
nodeSelector node selector to use {}
podAnnotations extra annotations to add to pod metadata {}
replicaCount number of replicas 2
resources resources to request {}
service.externalPort webhook service external port 443
service.name webhook service name k8s-vault-webhook
service.type webhook service type ClusterIP
tolerations tolerations to add []
rbac.enabled use rbac true
rbac.psp.enabled use pod security policy true
env.VAULT_IMAGE vault image vault:latest
env.K8S_SECRET_INJECTOR_IMAGE vault-env image quay.io/opstree/k8s-secret-injector:2.0
volumes extra volume definitions []
volumeMounts extra volume mounts []
configMapMutation enable injecting values from Vault to ConfigMaps false
podDisruptionBudget.enabled enable PodDisruptionBudget false
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable represents the number of Pods that must be available (integer or percentage) 1
certificate.generate should a new CA and TLS certificate be generated for the webhook true
certificate.useCertManager should request cert-manager for getting a new CA and TLS certificate false
certificate.ca.crt Base64 encoded CA certificate ``
certificate.server.tls.crt Base64 encoded TLS certificate signed by the CA ``
certificate.server.tls.key Base64 encoded private key of TLS certificate signed by the CA ``
apiSideEffectValue Webhook sideEffect value NoneOnDryRun